Thursday, October 13, 2005
SCUBA Diving for Individuals with Disabilities

Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) diving has become an increasingly popular recreational activity, enjoyed by millions of individuals. There has also been a growing interest in SCUBA diving in the disabled population for rehabilitation and recreation. This review, published in the American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, discusses medical issues relevant to individuals with disabilities who wish to participate in SCUBA diving. SCUBA diving can be an enriching experience, potentially helping to improve self-image and quality of life. Knowledgeable healthcare professionals can help to guide their patients who are interested in SCUBA diving.
Journal Reference: American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 84(5):369-375, May 2005.
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My husband and I used to run a disabled scuba courses called DAP , Disabled Aquatics Program, in southern Ontario. We were instructors through PADI and had their full backing. This was an incredible experience with lots of stories if you would like to talk with me about them. This was around 1995-8.
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