Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Squat Lobster: Creature of the Month

The animal folds its tail under its body resulting in
a crab-like appearance. When necessary the tail is used
as a paddle for a quick get away. Its claws are covered
in brown hairy spines.
The young of this species is a different colour, with a
mottled white carapace.
Galathea strigosa lives from Scandinavia to Spain,
Canaries, Mediterranean and the Red Sea.
Further Reading:
Great British Marine Animals by Paul Naylor
More Photos:
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Labels: sealife
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Nitrox Training from the Beginning with BSAC
The British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC) are now including Nitrox training at a basic level within their Open Ocean and Sports Diver courses. These are the first two courses offered by BSAC. (Open Ocean is equivalent to PADI Open Water Diver and PADI Advanced Open Water Diver).
BSAC aims to enable more and more divers to be able to use nitrox on all dives to enhance diver safety.
Divers who hold qualifications prior to the 2007 diver training syllabus but not holding a Nitrox certification, will be able to receive this training by attendance on The Nitrox Diver Workshop.
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BSAC aims to enable more and more divers to be able to use nitrox on all dives to enhance diver safety.
Divers who hold qualifications prior to the 2007 diver training syllabus but not holding a Nitrox certification, will be able to receive this training by attendance on The Nitrox Diver Workshop.
What do you think of this news item? Start a discussion.
Subscribe to SCUBA News (ISSN 1476-8011) for more free news, articles, diving reports and marine life descriptions - http://www.scubatravel.co.uk/news.html