Wednesday, July 19, 2006


SCUBA Diving Best Selling Books and DVDs

Our list of the best selling books and DVDs with a SCUBA related theme is again topped by The Dive Atlas of the World: An Illustrated Reference to the Best Sites. (Previous quarter's position is shown in brackets.)
  1. Dive Atlas of the World: An Illustrated Reference to the Best Sites by Jack Jackson
    300 pages detailing some of the world's best dive sites. (1)

  2. Dive: The Ultimate Guide To 60 Of The Worlds Top Dive Locations by Monty Halls,
    Describes 60 of the world's best diving areas, and highlights specific dives not to be missed whilst you are there (3)

  3. Double Cross by Patrick Woodrow,
    An action novel with plenty of diving (--)

  4. Lonely Planet : Sardinia by Paula Hardy,
    Guide to the Italian island of Sardinia (7)

  5. Red Sea Reef Guide by Helmut Debelius
    Identification guide to fish, coral and other marine life of the Red Sea (8)

  6. Dive Sites and Marine Life of the Calf of Man and Neighbouring Area by Bill Sanderson, Bruce McGregor, Andrew Brierley
    The Isle of Man boasts some excellent diving and this book describes some of the best dive sites in the south of the island.

  7. Collins Pocket Guide: Coral Reef Fishes by Ewald Lieske, Robert Myers
    A compact, guide to over 2000 species of fish you might see whilst diving on coral reefs. (3)

  8. Reef Fishes and Corals of the Red Sea by Pete Harrison and Alex Misiewicz
    A guide to 270 reef fishes and corals found throughout the Red Sea. (9)

  9. Sardinia Diving Guide by Egidio Trainito
    A diving guide to Sardinia. (--)

  10. The Last Dive: A Father and Son's Fatal Descent Into the Ocean's Depths
    by Bernie Chowdhury
    The story of a father and son and their fatal diving accident (--)

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